Purring cat
Cat Behavior

What Makes a Cat Purr

It’s long been a misconception that a purring cat is, unequivocally, a happy cat. It’s generally a fairly safe assumption to make (they do purr when content), but it narrows down the scope of a purr. If we assume it’s just a way for your cat to tell you that it’s happy, then it should […]

Bored cat
Cat Behavior

Signs of a Bored Cat and Tricks to Entertain them

Bored Cat Introduction Contrary to many kitty stereotypes, cats are not solitary hunters, content to prowl alone through the wilds of your living room. Your cat can get bored – very bored without stimulation and interaction. Kitty needs playtime! She needs attention and things to do and ponder. If your cat gets excessively and consistently bored, […]

Cat having a bath
Cat Care

Do Cats Need Baths?

Have you ever tried bathing a cat? If so, you probably know the drill. You run the bath water, corral the cat and put up with her struggles while you work the shampoo in. Then you rinse her off and maybe use the hair dryer to dry her off. Maybe you just release her so […]

Cat looking irritated
Cat Behavior

12 Things Cats Hate

Intro: Things cats hate Let’s not pretend that cats don’t have something of a bipolar reputation. People who have yet to discover the magic of their own pet cat often regard them as uncaring, moody, hard to please and more. The thing is they’re very often correct. However, it’s worth considering that the problem doesn’t […]

Cat cuddling with girl
Cat Training

How to Make Your Cat Fall for You

One of life’s great mysteries up there with unraveling the enigma of space, exploring the untapped depths of the world’s oceans, on par with scientists splitting the atom for the first time: making your cat love you as much as you love him. Like all great feats of mankind, there’s no easy answer. It takes […]

Cat using human toilet
Cat Training

How to Train a Cat to Use the Toilet

Sick of dealing with litter and want to know how to train your cat to use the toilet? Welcome to the club. Let’s begin with a bit of honesty – toilet training cats can be a little more complicated than simply teaching a cat to use the litter box. You’ll have to be prepared for […]

Cat on leash
Cat Training

How to Walk a Cat on a Leash

A cat on a leash. It’s becoming more and more common. I think it’s a great thing for indoor cats personally, of course providing they are actually into it. A bonding experience venturing outside together … Keep in mind it’s not only canines who enjoy this pursuit. In fact, some cats love it and get […]

Cat eating human food
Cat Care

Human Food Cats Can Eat

Now while there’s nothing wrong with handing your beloved feline a treat or two, simply giving him or her a bite of whatever you’re munching on can be rather risky for your pet ? even to the point of being deadly. There’s no need to worry just yet though if you’re still quite unsure which […]